Research paper on service quality in banking
3) To study the affiliation between the customer satisfaction and the customer loyalty during the pandemic times. Gaps are reviewed to measure service quality. Negative gap scores show that service quality is perceived poor and hence no customer satisfaction while positive gap scores show that higher service quality and hence customer satisfaction. As stated by (Gronroos, 1982) there are two types of service quality these are technical quality and functional. Quality service plays a major role in achieving customer satisfaction and creating brand loyalty in banking sector. Studies on service quality have focused on the banking industry (Khan & Fasih 2014; Kaura, et al. Methodology: Qualitative research method is used to conduct this study banking experts on service quality attention of customers have image which urge confidence. The conclusion from this study is that Customer satisfaction can lead to higher rates of retention of the Kenyan bank customers iii Abstract - Title: Service Quality & Customer Satisfaction: A case of Banking Sector” Level: Final thesis for Master of Business Administration in Business Management. Different explanations of service hrm phd thesis quality have been advanced by researchers. Good customer service leads to better customer relationship, higher customer satisfaction, increased customer loyalty and ultimately profitability. (2004) studied the service quality of Greek banks on the basis of customers' perceptions. Service quality—should they continue with their current bank or switch to other banks—depending on their level of satisfaction [6]. Bitner and Hubert (1994) think about service quality as “a customer research paper on service quality in banking thinking about superiority of the performance of services. Moreover, PAO "Sberbank" is certified to ISO 9000/9001 standards. 7% of the variance in customer satisfaction can be predicted by the service quality offered by the private banks.. Banking experts on service quality attention of customers have image research paper on service quality in banking which urge confidence. From a total of 44 commercial banks located within Nairobi CBD. Finally, Zhou (2004) stated that the E-Banking service quality related to reliability has a significant effect on the degree of customer satisfaction This research suggests that both aspects of service quality are necessary and directly related to customer satisfaction. The SERVQUAL Model is derived from the study of Parasuraman, ZeithamI, and Berry. Instrument for measuring the bank service quality in Bangladesh. The service profit chain is analyzed to deeper understand the importance of employees regarding customer satisfaction. Reliability, assurance, tangibility, empathy and responsiveness were used to measure the quality of service offered by the private banks. A sample of 440 electronic banking customers was taken and 300 useable questionnaires were analysed. The study demonstrated that customer satisfaction had a significant effect on WOM and repurchase intentions which were observed as highly related. The findings from the study established a positive relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in Kenyan banks. For that matter, the study will evaluate if the company actually follows them This study attempts to identify the quality attributes of the hotel services. A sample of 400 customers encompasses four major indigenous and. The five dimensions of SERVPERF model i. (1988) instrument for measuring the bank service quality in Bangladesh. (1988) of service quality on customer satisfaction and the result in-dicates that to improve the elements of service quality is an important antecedent of customer satisfaction.